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Interview 1

What Is Employer Branding and How to Manage It?

The term "employer brand" was first used in 1990 by Simon Barrow, president of People in Business, and since then, there have been many different definitions in the last 30 years. During the last decade, employer branding, ie. employer branding has become a hot topic for many companies in the region. But being a topic within a company does not necessarily mean giving it priority or fully understanding what it is all about. In this text, we will try to explain what employer branding really is. How do we define the goals, what are the typical challenges, how to start the whole process and how to... … Read More »

Job search 1

4 Best Websites to Find Employees

Employment is necessary for every human being because, without employment, they cannot survive in the society and cannot fulfill their needs and wants. In today's world full of technology and development you can easily find employment and employees according to your requirements. You may publish positions on your firm website using many portals, and then urge employees to promote those posts on every free job posting site to locate employees. You can discover numerous business websites that allow you to advertise positions so that available and interested people may apply for the job. This... … Read More »

Advocacy 1

Employee Advocacy Overview

Employee advocacy is simply promoting your company and organization by people who work for it, particularly those who advocate for their employers on social media platforms. Many businesses and organizations work hard to expand their online reach to set up employees' advocacy programs for this purpose. Employee advocacy helps your organization to increase growth sales and also differentiate your organization from others. Employee advocacy is one of the most beneficial methods to engage a new audience. Benefits of Employee Advocacy Following are the benefits of employee advocacy to the... … Read More »

Appreciation 1

Top 7 Ways to Show Appreciation

An appreciation is a feeling of gratitude, thankfulness, or gratefulness. A sense of appreciation is felt by positive responses shown by other people to show their kindness on favor and different types of generosity. In an organization, you can tell your colleagues, employees, and workers how much you value them. They need to know how much they are essential for your company and they are a part of it. Give them some tokens of appreciation like small surprises for their appreciation to spread a warm environment in the organization. People feel good when they get appreciated for their work and... … Read More »

Manager 1

Tips for Dealing with a Bad Boss or Bad Managers

Sometimes you are working in an organization when you identify a bad boss or a bad manager. You must work under them because it's your job. Here are some advices you can use while treating your bad boss and bad managers for effectively coping with the situation. A good manager helps you succeed and makes you feel valued. They provide guidance for dealing with the difficulties you find in an organization. Read also: Sustainable HRM Practices Still, sometimes we found terrible bosses, which is a problematic situation. They do favoritism with one person and make unfair decisions which may hurt... … Read More »